Stock Market

stock market


Buy, buy, buy! Sell, sell, sell!” These clamors are normal on the stock market floor which is crowded. From tv shows to movies it fantasizes the stock market, for those of who Don’t have a stockbroker on speed deal. 

Guess what? Stock market is open for anyone which few bucks and willingness and even it helps as well if you have little knowledge about it. 

It gets complicated due to financial jorgans but it’s basic premise is quite simple: The stock market is like a big global auction where investors buy and sell pieces of ownership in companies, also known as stocks or share.

For raising their money companies sell their share and investors buy to earn money. But it’s overall happening it quite branched Via this course such basics can be shorted and simplified.

1. What are stocks ?

2. What is the stock marekt ?

3. Types of stocks

4. Main stock market players

5. What drives stock prices

6. The Economy and the stock market

7. Stock performance and Getting started investing

8. Conclusion

Who is this for 

This course is for anyone who isn’t quite sure how the stock market works or wants to learn more about its importance. Whether you’re considering investing or just want to understand what you read in the news, this course is for you.


What you will get out of this course

  • A basic understanding of what the stock market is and how it works
  • Information on the individuals, companies, and organizations involved in the stock market
  • A breakdown of the different types of stocks and how to track their performance
  • An overview of the mechanics of stock trades
  • An understanding of the relationship between the stock market and the economy