
Investment Strategies for beginner


Investing is the practice of allocating funds with the expectation of generating a positive return over time. It involves putting your money into various assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and more, with the goal of increasing your wealth or achieving specific financial objectives.

Investing can be a crucial component of building financial security and achieving long-term financial goals. Here’s an overview of key concepts and considerations investment strategies for beginners:

The best part? There isn’t any requirement of a bunch of money to initiate. As it’s said that the few drops of water Lasts with a full pot, and in this race time is the best weapon and therefore how earlier one is starting do matter!

Course Content 

1: What is investing ?

2: Risk vs. Reward

3: Types of investment

4: Building A Portfolio

5: Types of investment accounts

6: Investement strategies

7: Getting Help

8: Conclusion

Who is this for

This course is for anyone who wants to learn how to grow their money (in other words, everybody!). If you’re curious about investing but don’t know where to start, keep reading.

What you can grab from this course

  • An understanding of why it’s so important to invest.
  • A beginning place for making the portfolio that will be suitable for you.
  • An overview of different investment strategies.
  • A basic understanding of investing — which you can opt for anytime anywhere to be called out like a real financial whiz